Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 here I come!

Happy New Years Eve everyone!

The days have really gotten away from me lately! I know I am not the only one that this happens to. I have sat down this wonderful morning and thought about this next year. I have some very important goals for this next year. These goals are the same goals that I attempt every year! One of the biggest and most important is to get healthier and loss some of the un-needed weight that I carry around with me everyday.

So, I asked myself this morning, "How is this year going to be different?" Well, I have come up with a plan! I have always heard, "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail!" So here is my plan:

  • I have received an iPhone for Christmas this year. I am going to put it to work for me. I looked on Facebook and Pinterest for some workout challenges. I have found a couple that I am going to start out with. Now to get my iPhone to work for me. I made a reminder list called Fitness 2015. I took the workout challenges and created a reminder everyday for the next month.

  • For the cardio, I am going to use the family Wii. We have many Just Dance games and I also have a Biggest Loser game.

  • For the eating (some people call it a "diet"), I am going to be tracking my points (Weight Watchers). I have never signed up for Weight Watchers, but have been given a points calculator and have done some research online.

My hope with working in the goal is that my family will follow my lead and get healthier this year. I am also adding this goal to my daily prayers. I will ask for God to help me stay on track and resist the urge for the sweets. I will also be praising God when I hit milestones in this goal.

I ask that you keep my family and me in your prayers. If this is one of your goals this year too, I would love to hear what you are trying. Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you hVe any questions or comments, please leave them for me. I will keep you updated with how things are going!

Healthier 2015, here we come!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

This is the year!!

So I have decided that 2015 is going to be my year!!

I have decided that my family and I are going to get healthier!!

I am one of those people that can't just start and do it.  I am starting to do some things to get ready for the new year.

I have started going through and figuring the points for the boxed items in my house.  I will also be going through some of my recipes and figuring the points out for them.  I am also working on being more of a morning person so that I can get up in the morning and do some "workouts" and prepare the points and meals for my family and myself.

I hope that you will continue to stay with me on this adventure!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Today is a new day!!!  I have decided to start doing small steps towards getting my family and myself healthy.  I have to admit that my husband and I are over weight.  I want to help my family and myself live happier, healthier, and longer lives.  So I will be posting a blog post everyday of little things that we as a family are trying out.

A little about my family and me.  My husband and I have been married for 12 years.  We have three beautiful daughters.  The ages of our daughters are 12, 9, and almost 6.  My husband and I both work full time, and, as you can imagine, it is a full-time job taking care of the house and the kids after my day job is done.

This journey is going to be an adventure.  It definitely won't be easy!!   So please come back and go on this journey with us. Please leave any comments or questions for me.